Check out The Complete Guide to Buy & Install Led Stadium Lighting

Before you start buying LED stadium lights, it is vital that you know what it is and its purpose! What is Stadium Lights? Mounted at tall heights with small beam angles, usually ranging from 12-60 degrees, Led Sports Lights are very powerful. Smaller beam angles are used for higher light intensity, allowing it to illuminate the ground perfectly from elevated heights. You can mount stadium lights at various heights, depending upon the venue, and accordingly, the beam angle will also vary. It can be set up as low as 25 feet but typically, the height is between 40 and 60 feet. Stadiums that attracts a lot of crowds, hosting major sporting events mount these lights as high as 100 feet while still being able to produce 300+ foot-candles on the ground. A majority of stadiums these days are using Led Stadium Lighting because it is energy-efficient, dynamic, and easily controlled. No matter what kind of sporting event the field is being used, stadium lights illuminate the groun...